29. Zolnierowicz K.M., Nyklova-Ondrova M., Tobolka M. 2016. Sex differences in preening behaviour in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia. Polish Journal of Ecology 64: 431–435. pdf
28. Rosin Z.M., Skórka P., Szymański P., Tobolka M, Luczak A., Tryjanowski P. 2016. Constant and seasonal drivers of bird communities in a wind farm: implications for conservation. PeerJ 4: e2105. pdf
26. Tobolka M., Zolnierowicz K.M., Reeve N.F. 2015.The effect of extreme weather events on breeding parameters of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia. Bird Study 62: 377-385.
25. Jankowiak Ł., Antczak M., Kwieciński Z., Szymański P., Tobolka M. & Tryjanowski P. 2015. Diurnal raptor community wintering in an extensively used farmland. Ornis Fennica 92: 76-86. pdf
24. Ekner-Grzyb A., Zolnierowicz K.M., Lisicki D. & Tobolka M. 2015. Habitat selection taking nest-box age into account: a field experiment in secondary hole-nesting birds. Folia Zoologica 63: 251-255. pdf
23. Tobolka M. 2014. Importance of juvenile mortality in birds’ population: early postfledging mortality and causes of death in White stork Ciconia ciconia. Polish Journal of Ecology 62: 735-741.
22. Tobółka M., Bocheński M., Grabowski T., Jakubiec Z., Jerzak L., Kaługa I., Kania W., Kronenberg J., Poniński P., Siekiera A., Siekiera J., Stępień., Tryjanowski P., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Zawodniak J.J. & Żołnierowicz K.M. 2013. Studies on the white stork Ciconia ciconia in Poland in 2012. The 2nd Meeting of the White Stork Research Group (Kłopot 21-23.11.2012). Chrońmy Przyr. Ojcz. 69(5): 452-462 (in Polish). pdf
21. Tobolka M., Kuźniak S., Żołnierowicz K.M., Sparks T.H. & Tryjanowski P. 2013. New is not always better: low breeding success and different occupancy pattern in newly built nests of a long-lived species, the white stork Ciconia ciconia. Bird Study 60: 399-403. <span class="WEBON_FONT" style="f